Who are we? We are a group of women who love to have fun and sing together

Harmony of the Gorge is a group of women singers dedicated to achieving musical excellence and personal growth by providing quality education and opportunities to perform and promote the art form of four-part acappella harmony.  We have members from the Columbia River Gorge area who gather in Hood River on Tuesdays to share an evening of four-part harmony, musical challenge and fun. Singers come from Hood River, Carson, Lyle, Odell, White Salmon, Stevenson, North Bonneville, Parkdale, Klickitat, Dallesport and The Dalles.

We participate regularly in our North x Northwest Region 13 activities which includes educational workshops, classes, and competitions. In the past, we have earned some nice chorus awards at contests – but the real value of attending competitions is to receive positive comments and suggestions on how we can be even better singers.   In 2012, we were thrilled to earn the “Harmonize the World” award — which recognized our chorus’ and our members’ involvement in and around our communities in the Mid-Columbia area.

Our 2023-2024
Management Team 

  Team Leader: Kathy         Communications: Frances
  Finance: Rhonda              Membership: Angie
  Performances:  Dotty                Marketing; Anna
  Director: Judy G

Our Core Values include:
family, friendship, belonging, relationships, personal well being, health, self-esteem, security, respect, happiness, inner harmony, balance,
faith, religion, spirituality, life-long learning, education, personal growth

Ruralite Magazine, March 2023

The 2024 Huckleberry Festival website included our photo and this writeup about our 2024 appearance to kick off the weekend.

Our chorus celebrated our 40th anniversary in 2023. We are at a crossroads in the life of our chorus — and that’s a good thing!  We can go straight forward and continue doing things like we’ve done in the past — or we can turn left or right and see what surprises await.  

What does that really mean? It still will mean having fun singing together — but with new songs and more singers. 

  • New music.  We do have many favorites from the past that we love to sing — but it’s time to get NEW songs to perform this summer.  So finding and learning new music that we will enjoy singing will be top of our list.
  • Arrangements:  Yes, we sing “barbershop style” … but that is by no means “old fashioned” or “out of date” — in fact, it’s quite the opposite!  New fantastic barbershop arrangements are being written for many of the popular songs we all enjoy.
  • Finding more women to sing with us.  Women with high, medium, or low ranges…. we welcome you all!  

Our “Valentine Girls” quartet spread joy around our communities for Valentines Day.  Here they were singing for George Eastwood for his 101st birthday!

Yes, we had an article in the local newpaper talking about our chorus’ plans for caroling throughout the holidays in 2023.  We had a great time caroling for tree lighting ceremonies and tons of Christmas parties throughout the Gorge.  The article was in the Wednesday Sept 27th issue.  Click HERE to link to the news article.