with us….

Harmony of The Gorge Chorus

having fun singing during the 2024 Huckleberry Festival

Coming Projects

Harmony of the Gorge chorus is available to perform year round.  If you or your organization would like to book us for an event, please call  541-490-2481.

Everyone is invited to become a caroler with us as we sing during late November and early December. 
Christmas tracks 

We’re supporting the start of a new men’s acapella chorus in the Mid-Columbia.  This website is packed with information about singing for men and women.
Christmas tracks

We are planning to go and perform next May in Spokane at our Sweet Adelines’ Region 13 Convention.  


Without a doubt, the best way to check us out is to come visit one of our rehearsals
and experience the fun of singing together with a group of wonderful women!  
If you have questions, please call Judy at 541-490-2481.

Guests are always welcome

Finding the right chorus to sing with is like finding the “perfect” pair of shoes.  We invite women to come check us out and see how we “fit.” 

We are a group of women from all walks of life!  

It was definitely the music that brought us together, but it’s the friendships, fun, and community connections that keep us singing together.

Coaching with Melanie McGuire


Our chorus has been around now for 40 years. We are at a crossroads in the life of our chorus — and that’s a good thing!  We can go straight forward and continue doing things like we’ve done in the past — or we can turn left or right and see what surprises await.  What does that really mean? It still will mean having fun singing together — but with new songs and more singers. 

  • New music.  We do have many favorites from the past that we love to sing — but we’re also learning some wonderful new songs. Come have fun learning right along with us.
  • Arrangements:  Yes, we sing 4-part acapella “barbershop style” … but that is by no means “old fashioned” or “out of date” — in fact, it’s quite the opposite!  New fantastic barbershop arrangements are being written for many of the popular songs we all enjoy.
  • Finding more women to sing with us.  Women with high, medium, or low ranges…. we welcome you all!  

Come check us out!!   This coming year is bound to be full of new surprises and fun activities.  

We’re meeting Tuesday evenings
Down Manor, 1950 Sterling Place, Hood River
in the banquet room on the 4th floor  (elevators)

We have several members and family members with health issues that put them in high risk, so if you’re not feeling well, please take that week off and review your music at home. 

There will be other rehearsals.

Coaching with Drew Osterhout

Questions? Here’s a few answers:

  • Everyone is invited to visit us – men, women, friends, families.  
    (We’d like to revive the local men’s chorus.)
  • www.ComeSingNow.com is our new chorus website for  information about us, along with our music and learning tracks.
  • You do not need to be able to read music.  Many of our singers learn by listening. 
  • Learning tracks are available on this website for you to listen to in between rehearsals.
  • We only have 2-hours each week to sing together, so we try to keep talking to a minimum.
  • You will receive copies of our music during rehearsals.
  • Option: putting your music on a tablet instead of using a binder is OK.

Enjoy and help support us by visiting our YouTube Channel

The Huckleberry Festival website included this following writeup about our 2024 appearance to kick off the weekend1

Our “Valentine Girls” quartet spread joy around our communities for Valentines Day.  Here they were singing for George Eastwood for his 101st birthday!

Yes, we had an article in the local newpaper talking about our chorus’ plans for caroling throughout the holidays in 2023.  We had a great time caroling for tree lighting ceremonies and tons of Christmas parties throughout the Gorge.  The article was in the Wednesday Sept 27th issue.  Click HERE to link to the news article.